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Sigmund Freud's notebook

The information about the notebook was sent via 'Blogger-Message' by the Viennese paper printer Huber & Lerner (since 1901, papeterie, wrapping paper, greeting cards...). On 6 May 2014, Sigmund Freud would have his 158th birthday. On occasion of this day, Huber & Lerner and the Sigmund Freud Museum Vienna present a special product line. One of the products is a notebook (on view on this page) in the original size and with the same pattern psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud's dairy had. Nice 'device' for the ones who prefer paper for expressing their very private thoughts! It could also serve as sketchbook for the secret construction plan of the next groundbreaking technological online innovation...

fig.: 'Sigmund Freud'-notebook by Huber & Lerner. The image shows the notebook's cover and one of the first two pages which are printed with text about Sigmund Freud. Released on 19 April 2014; available at Huber & Lerner, the Sigmund Freud Museum Wien and also seen at the Viennese luxury online boutique Boulesse. Photo provided by Huber & Lerner; (C)

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