Popularity booms on Fashionoffice

On 21 January 2013, Fashionoffice reviewed popularity booms on its domains. Currently, the magazine is booming in the United States - since August 2012, the percentage of measured 'people' grew for more than 70%.

fig.: People from United States on Fashionoffice; Quantcast graphics from 21 January 2013.

How it comes that Fashionoffice measures popularity with internationally trusted third-party tools
After extraordinary popularity booms on Fashionoffice (started 1995, online since 1996), the measurement methods were extended by Quantcast tags which track people, visits, page views. On occasion of the popularity boom in Pakistan in 2009, Fashionoffice contacted the Austrian CERT on 3 November 2009. CERT affirmed that the technical premises for the measurements are reliable and mentioned some practical reasons for the popularity boom in Pakistan which can be used for other fluctuations like in France, Germany or Austria (graphics below):

fig.: Measured visits from France, Germany, Austria on Fashionoffice; Quantcast graphics from 21 January 2013.

Source: Original article with images on https://www.fashion.at/survey/2013/popularitybooms1-2013.htm.

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