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15 June 2022

Searching the 'Peta-Approved Vegan' database for certified labels in Austria: Bags and jewelry brand Viennina is one of approximately 20 certified labels from 1238 companies worldwide

Currently, 18 labels are shown when searching the 'Peta-Approved Vegan' database (in total 1238 companies) with country filter 'Austria' (fast checked today). The quality sign of the animal rights organization Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) was created as a service for consumers who search for vegan products made without the use of materials derived from animals. (An introduction to the topic with listing of materials leather, wool,... and animal-free alternatives can be found at

One of the 18 labels shown at the database filtered by country 'Austria' is Viennina by Nina Saurugg. The brand name is a word creation of 'Vienna', the company's base, and 'Nina', the founder's first name. The creation appears like an affectionate designation for the city. The name is written prominently on the carrying strap of Nina Saurugg's latest design of a bag for the brand's range of apple leather accessories. The alternative leather material is made from the waste of apple juice production in South Tyrol. The functional travel- and shopping-bag with features like 15" laptop compartment or trolley holder in the two colors black and taupe with changeable straps is available online as well as at the label's two Viennese stores. The second store, the Viennina Boutique, was opened last month at Spiegelgasse 4 in the 1st district.

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