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3 February 2022

Vienna Insight: 'Straw instead of Concrete'-graffiti for making aware of animal farming

Although vegan food is trending in Austria with a growing product series of meat alternatives and milk products like cheese on a plant base, animal farming is still a theme. For a good reason as vegan nutrition has the touch of exclusivity practiced by a minority, compared with the diet of the average Austrian.

Last month, the graffiti on over 50 m2 at the Donaukanal in Vienna was thematized in several Austrian media publications where the artwork by unknown artists was presented with the story behind. The graffiti shows in the middle a pig; at the left side, straw; on the right, the depiction of a less animal-friendly fully slatted concrete floor. The articles referenced the statement of professionals of animal farming. The quality of farming is a money question that can be solved with higher end prices. According to a cited market research, 20% of the consumers would be willing to pay more if it really means that all pigs in Austria get straw.

The media release with market research results - such as that 96% of people in Austria want straw for pigs - on occasion of the graffiti at the Donaukanal at Franzensbrücke in the 2nd district of Vienna was published via

Photo: The picture of the 'Stroh statt Beton' (Straw instead of Concrete) graffiti was captured by on 3 February 2022 at the Donaukanal in Vienna.

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