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9 December 2018

Fashion communicated with reference to rebellion insight by publisher Karin Sawetz

No, I will not write about the 'Yellow Vests' in this article. Today on 2nd Advent Sunday, I worked comfortably through the mailings sent to and used the relaxed time of the weekend for reading material which requires compared to average trend releases more attention (from the perspective of a fashion journalist) as it was delivered with mainly non-fashion related information, especially historical facts.

The first mailing I will write about is the one sent by the Viennese Hotel am Brillantengrund where an art, design exhibition can be found at the 'Hidden Store'. Among the pieces, Brillantengrund shows a selection from the collection 'Meuten' by German designer Frank Leder. Brillantengrund announces the presentation as 'A hidden story by Frank Leder' - and the historical facts communicated through the collection and fashion mailing is perhaps for most of the readers actually new. The collection 'Meuten' is inspired by 1930/40er anti-Nazi gangs of young people - children to young adults, called the 'Leipziger Meuten' (Wikipedia) (Meute means as much as wild pack) in Leipzig, the 'Swing Kids' (Wikipedia) in Hamburg and the 'Edelweiss Pirates' (Wikipedia) in Cologne.

The second mailing I will mention here came as printed journal with the title 'Rebel / Rebell' with English / German texts in four chapters such as 'Everything For Everyone Or Everything For Me?' or 'Change Does Not Occur On Its Own' and fashion images of pieces from the current collections available at the Viennese store 'Eigensinnig'. The content of the printed catalogue is published at two pages (in German) at the website (links above). Eigensinnig explores the character of the 'rebel', the intentions to start a protest and the history of rebellious movements such as the 1968 protests.

"Would the rebellion of the members of the 1968 generation have been less vehement or even stronger if they had anticipated that, a few generations later, they themselves would be 'the system' they were opposing? And where are the rebels today, in the overwhelmingly affluent 2010s?" (Source: Chapter 'Affluence As A Foundation For The Insurgency'; German: 'Der Wohlstand Als Basis Für Den Aufstand', Journal 'Rebel / Rebell' by Eigensinnig Wien.)

Very probably that the signature 'Yellow Vests' will have an impact on fashion designers. The future will show.

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