25 May 2023

Pride 2023: 'Prince Eugayn' tours and drag queen Candy Licious reading at the 'Queering The Belvedere' series in Vienna looked through the latest press releases about activities of museums in Vienna for the upcoming Pride Month 2023 (June) and found several interesting events like the extensive series 'Queering The Belvedere'. The art museum 'Belvedere' celebrates its 300th anniversary with views back at the construction of the palace and the evolution of its art collection and exhibition activities over the centuries. Earlier this year, the anniversary and the special exhibitions were the subject of an article on The article was written on the occasion of a tribute by Swarovski.

Now for Pride month, the museum has organized a program to spot some special gems. One of the events in the 'Queering The Belvedere' series makes the builder of the palace Prince Eugene of Savoy - the Belvedere was built as the summer residence of the general and art collector in 1723 - to the guiding theme. The tour 'Prince Eugayn' will shed new light on the history of the palace and the art collection over the centuries to discover different types of gender identity and sexual attraction.

Pride activities are not new to the Belvedere. Since 2019, the museum has used Pride Month as an opportunity to offer new interpretations of its collection and create inclusive spaces. Another highlight of the program is the reading event 'Candy and the Colors of the Rainbow' by drag queen Candy Licious for children along with their parents and grandparents. It's announced that the world of colors will be celebrated, from natural colors to individually chosen favorite colors and family colors.

In the press release, the Belvedere states that in a time of increasing hostilities, it presents itself in its anniversary year 2023 more than ever in solidarity with the queer community. With the program, the Belvedere aims to contribute to a diverse and tolerant society and support the demands of the LGBTIQ+ community. The program of talks, readings, film screening, and guided tours, which begins already on 31 May and runs until 29 June, is published on

Images, from left: Jacob van Schuppen, 'Prince Eugene of Savoy after the Battle of Belgrade on 16 August 1717', 1718. Photo: Johannes Stoll / Belvedere, Vienna. Right: Candy Licious. Photo: © Alex Schwarz.

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