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5 August 2024

Preview of what to expect before the shows begin!
Vienna Fashion Week, under the 2024 motto 'Fashion Power,' will premiere new projects with social and ecological agenda, focusing on the inclusion of the elderly in our society, support for the homeless, as well as the training of models and content creators.

In March, this year's campaign for Vienna Fashion Week was unveiled, with the acronym for the main cooperation partner, MQ, standing for MuseumsQuartier, the location of the fashion shows, talks and pop-up store, in the title. Since April, press releases about the upcoming event have arrived without MQ. And that is all that has changed - the location is still the same. This year's Vienna Fashion Week will take place from September 9 to 14 in the cultural area of the cooperation partner MuseumsQuartier. Two of the recently presented four talks with a focus on the situation and perspectives of the fashion business in Austria are already presented on the website of Vienna Fashion Week, which together with the name has changed its URL to Last week VFW released the showplan with this year's motto 'Fashion Power @ VIENNA FASHION WEEK'. Some names from previous years like Callisti are missing from the plan (checked by again on the website today), instead there are projects like 'Fashion Reloaded Powered by Pensionist*Innenklubs Wien', which is described on as a project that " also about a socio-political agenda, such as the human right to participate in everything that's fun, even for older people." The pensioners will be the designers and models for this project.

Another project that will be on the runway for the first time is Mission Austria's final election of Miss and Mister Austria with the participation of the Michelbeuern Fashion School. In the months prior to the event, the finalists of Mission Austria were trained by beauty, hair, fitness, styling and media professionals for their future activities as models on the runway and in front of the camera, as well as content creators.

'Uplift' presented by Nunu Kaller is the next brand new project on the showplan of the Vienna Fashion Week. Uplift raises money for the homeless in Vienna by selling upcycled used clothing. The upcyclers are designers well known in the Austrian fashion scene such as Maria Fürnkranz-Fielhauer of Wiener Konfektion, Katha Harrer of km/a or Marlen Sabetzer-Till of Marsanfertigung, to name just three of the 13 designers from Vienna and Lower Austria listed on

Image: The picture was taken before the opening show of the Vienna Fashion Week 2023 in the tent in front of the cultural area MQ - MuseumsQuartier.

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