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15 November 2015

Kissa cookie recipes with ground powders of green, black and roobios teas

November, December are the months of new cookie recipes; alongside to re-interpretations of traditional recipes, new creations which fulfill the demands for healthy and figure friendly ingredients are spread by household brands and food producers. The recipe on this page for the 'Supermodel's Cookie' was sent by the Austrian tea label Kissa and was selected by Fashionoffice from a range of recipes after the criteria 'fast and easy' and 'place for visual creativity'.

All of the Kissa recipes are created around the tastes of the label's matchas (ground powders of green tea) and tea powders (black - earl grey - and rooibos tea powders). After the description, the Kissa matcha product like the one named 'Skinny' carries vitamins, minerals and natural coffeine and acts therefore like an energy drink; ideal for workouts. The recipe on this page is made with Kissa's 'Supermodel's Secret' - the taste is described as sweet and fruity. It was the fastest and easiest recipe Fashionoffice found at the range; additionally, it's a nice idea to cut green coins out of the dough and stamp it with a sign - such as on view at the image Kissa sent together with the recipe (last mentioned below in English and German language):

Kissa 'Supermodel's Cookie'

Ingredients for 15 - 18 cookies; depends on the desired form:

- 2 tea spoons Kissa Matcha 'Supermodel's Secret'
- 225 g vegan margarine
- 60 g powdered sugar
- 1 pinch of salt
- 2 cardamom pods
- ½ tsp finely grated lemon peel
- ½ tsp finely grated orange (organic)
- 300 g flour


Food processor: the first step is to stir margarine, powdered sugar, matcha, salt and citrus peels in the food processor until it's a creamy pastry.

Mortar: the second step happens at the mortar where the cardamom pods should be coarsely grounded for separating the seeds and shells; ground the seeds to a fine powder.

Preparing the pastry for the refrigerator: add cardamom powder and flour into the pastry, then wrap it in foil and let it cool for a minimum of 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Working surface for cutting out forms: roll out the dough on a floured working surface until it's 3 to 4 mm thick. Then cut out forms - as you like!

Oven: the last step happens at the oven. Place the raw cookies on a plate which is lined with baking paper and bake them in the oven at 170° Celsius for 8-10 minutes.


Recipe in German language:

Kissa Spermodel's Keks

Zutaten für ca. 15 – 18 Stück
· 2 TL KISSA Matcha Supermodel's Secret
· 225 g vegane Margarine
· 60 g Staubzucker
· 1 Prise Salz
· 2 Kardamomkapseln
· Je ½ TL fein abgeriebene Bio-Orangen- & Zitronenschale
· 300 g Mehl

Für den Teig Margarine, Staubzucker, Matcha, Salz und Zitrusschalen in der
Küchenmaschine cremig rühren. Kardamomkapseln im Mörser grob zerstoßen,
Samen und Schalen trennen und die Samen zu feinem Pulver mörsern.
Kardamompulver und Mehl in den Teig einarbeiten, in Folie einschlagen und
im Kühlschrank für mind. 2 Stunden durchkühlen lassen. Teig auf einer mit Mehl
bestäubten Arbeitsfl äche 3-4 mm dick ausrollen und verschiedene Ornamente
und Formen ausstechen. Auf ein mit Backpapier belegtes Blech legen und im
Backofen bei 170°C für 8-10 Minuten backen.

Photo: KISSA.

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