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19 October 2018

Healthy winter cookie recipe by Vienna-based detox-food delivery service Basenbox

Vienna-based food-delivery service Basenbox was founded 2016 with focus on - such as the name Basenbox suggests, a base-diet delivered in boxes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The special nutrition contains vitamins and minerals which help to detoxify the body by washing out acids and toxins. The team around nutrition expert, Basenbox co-founder and CEO Philippa Lovrek sent three recipes for healthy Christmas cookies. The recipes arrived together with the tip to donate Basenbox X-Mas Vouchers for three, five or ten Basenbox-days with the self-backed cookies. selected the simplest recipe with ingredients which can be found even in small and not specialised supermarkets. The name of the recipe is 'Winter Cookies' and can be served at breakfast, in-between or for coffee or tea in the afternoon.

fig. clockwise: Basenbox X-Mas Voucher with image of 'Healthy Speculoos' cookies; 'Christmas Cashew-Kipferl'; Winter Cookies'. Photos: © Basenbox.

The ingredients for about 25 'Winter Cookies':
• 3 ripe bananas (about 400g)
• 2 carrots
• 200g coarse oatmeal (gluten-free if allergic)
• 100g sugar-free apple puree
• 50g hazelnuts (optional)
• 2 tbsp raw honey
• 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon and ginger
• 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
• 1 pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 180° C. Peel bananas, place in a baking bowl and crush with a fork. Then rub carrots and give to bananas. Now add all ingredients and mix well with a cooking spoon. Make small balls by hand, place them on a baking plate lined with baking paper and crush them with the palm of your hand to create a round cookie shape. Bake the cookies for about 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Remove the baking plate from the oven and allow cookies to cool for about 20 minutes on the plate before eating them.

Original 'Winterliche Cookies'-recipe in German language:

Zutaten für ca. 25 Cookies:
• 3 reife Bananen (ca. 400g)
• 2 Karotten/Möhren/Rüben
• 200g grobe Haferflocken (glutenfreie, wenn allergisch)
• 100g Apfelmark, ohne Zucker
• 50g Haselnüsse (optional)
• 2 EL rohen Honig
• je 1 TL Zimt und Ingwer
• 1/4 TL Muskatnuss
• 1 Prise Salz

Backofen auf 180°C vorheizen. Bananen schälen, in eine Backschüssel geben und mit einer Gabel zerdrücken. Dann Karotten reiben und zu Bananen geben. Nun alle Zutaten dazugeben und mit einem Kochlöffel gut vermengen. Mit der Hand kleine Kugeln formen, auf ein mit Backpapier ausgelegten Backblech platzieren und mit der flachen Hand zerdrücken, sodass eine runde Cookie-Form entsteht. Die Cookies ca. 20-25 Minuten gold-braun backen. Das Backblech herausnehmen und Cookies vor dem Verzehr auf dem Blech ca. 20 Minuten abkühlen lassen.

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