14 October 2019

Seen at an Autumn Market in Vienna: Abothek boxes with curated wine collections and monthly changing artworks

Last Saturday, visited the annual Autumn Market at the production site of the Austrian shoe label Ludwig Reiter in Süßenbrunn, Vienna. The range of participating brands reached from fashion over furniture to culinary - such as the shop for curated wine collections 'Abothek'. The word creation Abothek makes think of the way customers can subscribe (in German 'abonnieren') to the delivery service of special wine collections as well as a sort of library (-'thek') where knowledge is systematically ordered.

The 'Abothek' was founded by Dr. Philipp Geymüller who developed the idea for his company by comparing the selection of wine with the curation of art collections which are hardly manageable without knowledge. Philipp Geymüller, who is born into a family of vineyard owners, incorporates additionally two other features into the monthly edition of the curated selections of wines after changing mottos: Editorial knowledge transfer and art.

Abothek publishes information about the monthly topic and the delivered wines in the format of a magazine-like poster-leaflet; monthly changing artworks are printed on the poster's front page. In summer, Austrian artist Franziska Maderthaner contributed the work 'Europa vor dem Regen' (Europe before the rain); at the September, October and November editions, each of the three leaflets shows parts of a graffiti applied by Austrian artist Moritz Mizrahi in summer 2019 to a building at the headquarters of Abothek at Schloss Hollenburg in Lower Austria. By setting together the series, Moritz Mizrahi's artwork can be 'read' fully.

fig.: The image shows Dr. Philipp Geymüller standing beside a pyramid of Abothek wine boxes at the Ludwig Reiter Autumn Market on 12 October 2019 in Süßenbrunn in Vienna. On occasion of the market, visitors were invited to join a sweepstake for winning one of the wine boxes.

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