Annotation on 1 August 2020: Exhibition extended until 10 January 2021. Annotation on 20 May 2020: Reopening of the exhibition on 27 May. Information about the safety regulations like mouth-nose protection, distance,... are published at
Next year from 20 February until 31 August 2020 at the exhibition 'Imagine Tomorrow', Leopold Museum Vienna will provide insights into Friedensreich Hundertwasser's art from a new approach and exhibits the impact of Egon Schiele on his oeuvre. At the announcement at, a citation from Hundertwasser's text 'I Love Schiele' from 1951 is published (fast checked today): "I often dream like Schiele, my father, about flowers that are red, and birds and flying fish and gardens in velvet and emerald green and human beings who walk, weeping, in red-yellow and ocean-blue." fig.: Friedensreich Hundertwasser 622. Der Nasenbohrer und die Beweinung Egon Schieles, Lugano, 1965 © Die Hundertwasser gemeinnützige Privatstiftung Wien. Foto: 2019 Namida AG, Glarus, Schweiz © 2019 Namida AG, Glarus, Schweiz. |