29 July 2019 Vienna's oldest windmill gets a new artful dress; call for art about wind power and/or for art for the application on windmills (deadline 15 September 2019)
fig.: Artist Katharina Kothmiller with her artwork that will be applied these days as landmark of climate friendly energy production at Vienna's oldest windmill at Donauinsel nearby Steinspornbrücke. Katharina Kothmiller's work, which shows figures flying on oversized dandelion-like seed spores, was selected by a jury of a competition. Photo provided by IG Windkraft on 29 July 2019; © Astrid Knie. Currently, the latest wind power art competition is on-going. For the Windkraft-Kunstwettbewerb, art from various fields - videos, literature, music, comics, etc can be submitted. It's also possible to submit art for the application on windmills directly. Details about the competition inclusively architectural plan of a windmill showing its free surfaces for the application of art can be found at tagdeswindes.at/kunst. The wind power competition submission period ends on 15 September. |