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1 August 2019

'Viribus Unitis' watches tell Austrian history

The inspiration for the Austrian watchmaker's name is derived from the motto of Emperor Franz Joseph I. 'Viribus Unitis' (means translated from Latin 'Joined Forces'). The motto is strongly connected to the military history of Austria. By searching for 'Viribus Unitis' online, some results will show pages about the battleship 'SMS Viribus Unitis' of the Austrian-Hungarian navy from the early 20th century. Emperor Franz Joseph I.'s joined forces on land, in the air and on the sea are also the inspiring sources for the design of the watches. Since early 2017, Viribus Unitis releases limited editions of watches paying homage to selected regiments (line 'Land bound') and pilots and their aircrafts ('Airborne') of the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy. For the design, the watch label re-interprets the signature colors of the uniforms respectively airplanes. At the website, each model is described with closer background information (in English and German) about the design. Currently, watches from the lines 'Land bound' and 'Airborne' are already available. The third line of the watchmaker with an anchor in the label is 'Seaborne'; it's announced to be launched next year.

Photo: © Viribus Unitis.

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