31 March 2022
Topic review March 2022 by Fashion.at: Pandemic, war in Ukraine, and the usual know-it-alls
Time passed quickly in March. While the pandemic causes record numbers of new infections and hospitalizations with high death rates in Austria, only few regulations for the protection from the virus are obligatory such as masks on public trains. While the war in Ukraine initiated a routine of attempts to negotiate a new 'together' not only between Russia and Ukraine but Europe and Russia, the reality of millions of Ukrainians is to start a new life as refugees in mainly one of the neighboring countries like Poland. The European countries on the other side prepare everything for a longer stay of the refugees and health organizations worldwide calculate the until yet unknown development of Covid-19 when the immunity respectively protection of vaccinations against severe diseases will wane possibly later this year in autumn. It's like the world is set not only by the pandemic and war on cultural level 'zero'. Climate activities that are accompanied by inappropriate discussions about cultural appropriation issues and an Oscar ceremony where a comedian gets a slap on stage are characteristic for a world spiraling out of control when basic rules for living together peacefully are broken.
The pandemic and the war had been mentioned in articles on Fashion.at several times this month; the Oscars or the dreadlocks discussion not. Fashion.at isn't afraid of Austrian internet guards who declare regularly in the media that they know what's appropriate and what's not. Fashion.at was quasi 'canceled' as an independent journalistic culture publication by officials and institutions over a decade ago; there was never too much to win in Austria. But alone the thoughts to these know-it-alls which could perhaps appear when an own opinion is expressed destroys every exchange in advance.
Fashion.at researched over several years on computer networks, storage & delivery of data and the effects on public opinion. Central to the research was the bias of statistical data used for market research and media analysis. In the course of this, statistical monthly reviews were published. Now after more than 15 years, Fashion.at will break the routine and will no longer observe the performance of the magazin usage via data reports delivered by various tools for making some of the results public. In future, three articles will be selected that represent exemplary the respective past month.
Highlights March 2022 on Fashion.at:
Fashion.at Style Tip Spring 2022 for Citizen Reporters: New technologies in fashion and beauty
Albertina Modern Instagram take-over by Ai Weiwei on 11 March on occasion of the retrospective 'Ai Weiwei. In Search of Humanity' from 16 March – 4 September 2022 in Vienna
Help transports for Ukraine from the streets to the railway: Truck route for the aid project by Ewa Herzog X Marina Hoermanseder is continued on the tracks of Deutsche Bahn