23 December 2012 - Short Message

Top Popular Content, Services, Viral Lifts (last 30 days, generated at 8.15 by #FeedBurner and #AddThis for #Fashionoffice)

Today, the Google FeedBurner statistics for the last 30 days from 22 November - 21 December 2012 calculated 3,528 views of 155 items, 21,545 clicks back to the site on 410 items.

On top of the FeedBurner/Fashionoffice popularity ranking (views/clicks):

  1. Collaborative #fashion collection for #cycling SS2013; H&M and Brick Lane Bikes shop in East London (7 March 2013)
  2. #MusicVideo 'Seeing Red' by Alpine, debut album 'A Is For Alpine' (May 2013)
  3. #Music Mocky shares 'Little Bird', from the upcoming 'Graveyard Novelas' EP (25 Feb 2013, Heavy Sheet)
  4. #Art shopping tip: C-Print 30x20 cm by #photographer Jack Pierson, seen at Kölnischer Kunstverein
  5. #Music M.I.A will perform live at the opening of the 3 months #art event #KochiMuzirisBiennale in India; interview with M.I.A

The most popular Fashionoffice articles in the FeedBurner ranking (views/clicks) are:

  1. Eco-brand #Rapanui presents Christmas #music charity and ethical #t-shirt
  2. #Lifestyle and #fashion of women in their early 20s; seen at the #HBO series 'Girls'
  3. #MenStyle for cold days; styling tip by #Replay FW2012/13
  4. #Culture trends book series #editionMonoMonochrom with new issue about fashion and #technology
  5. "...when the Negro was in vogue" - Isaac Julien's #art-documentary 'Looking for Langston'

AddThis generates following (shares/clicks) data for Content Trends, Services (both with Viral Lifts) for past month:

Content Trends Viral Lift
Fashionoffice: X-Mas outfit presented by Irina Shayk 600%
Fashionoffice: Fashion inspired by mid-19th century... 250%
Fashionoffice: Fashion that reflects urban life; upc... 300%
fashion.at/mobile: Beach fashion 2013 by Agua Bendit... 75%
Fashionoffice: Nature and jeans in a 'Love Story' 300%

Service Viral Lift*
Address Bar
Pinterest Pin It 3%
Print 0%

Google +1


Google+ Share 0%
Adifni 0%
Amen Me! 0%
Twitter 0%

*Viral Lift: "Total percentage increase in traffic due to shares and clicks." (AddThis Analytics Glossary)

Find the live-generated analytics on the cover of Fashionoffice.org.

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