14 December 2015
Top Fashionoffice articles via Social Media tools in 2015, so far
Recently published results of most favorite articles in 2015, so far:
Fashionoffice carries various scripts of third parties; one of them is the service 'AddThis' which provides tools for Social Media and their statistical data. The analytics can be divided into categories like 'Visits', 'Shares' or 'Follows'. The top articles in these three categories over the year (measured from 1 January untl 14 December) - so far - are:
Visits (Top Social Sources: Facebook, Baidu, Pinterest...) |
Christmas cocktail with fashion presentation at the carpet house Omar Besim in Vienna Currently, one Christmas cocktail follows the next here in Vienna... |
Shares (Top Services:
Facebook...) |
Textiles and fashion by Aude Tahon made of Korean knot-work; seen at 'SHeARE' in Venice
www.fashionoffice.org/culture/2012/audetahon7-2012.htm |
Follows (Top Services: Facebook,
Twitter...) |
Christmas party at boutique Runway Fashionoffice met Roberta Manganelli, owner of Stella Models, and jewellery designer Petra Hauser at the salon-show of new ball gowns... |
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