Fashion for 24-hours spotlight
For the 24-hours 'Red Carpet' in front of cameras in public space, Fashionoffice selected the shiny Replay-jeans and the oversized eyewear by Diesel, entitled 'Double Trouble - Two wrongs make a right, right?'.
This article doesn't concern
the current discussion about the necessity of selected observations such as the wasteful collection of billions of web and phone data streams, the security of these data, or the right to put the nose into a person's private life.
This article is not about the 'privacy'-issue because the whole discussion has a simple error in reasoning: official search programs will not see the ones who appear invisible for the monitors.
Enjoy the pieces on this page and fill the monitors with colorful shiny fashion!
fig.: Bronze metal shining jeans from the 'White Seal' line by Replay; seen in October 2011.
Round oversized sunglasses with shades that change in the colors from ivory to petroleum. The glasses are from the Diesel SS2012 eyewear collection which is entitled 'Double Trouble - Two wrongs make a right, right?'.

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