Photos: WanderHotels*Tirol/Martin Engelmann. Details about the barefoot tours on wanderhotels.at. |
Barefoot wanderers and racing car drivers on mountain tour
The mountains from two perspectives: body experience with barefoot shoes in the Tyrolean Alps in Austria and motor (old and new CO2 neutral) adventure at the Klausenpass in the Alps in Switzerland.
From June 2012 on through summer, the WanderHotels*Tirol in the Austrian Alps organize guided tours for walkers with barefoot shoes such as the Fivefingers (photos right) by Vibram. Industrial designer and Fivefingers developer, the South-Tyrolean Robert Fliri speaks in a video about the walking experience with these shoes which are worn like finger gloves on the feet. Walking in barefoot shoes with thin, protective soles activates new muscles and enhances the perception of nature (inclusively stones).
Twelve hotels in Tyrol invite under the motto 'Freedom for Feet' to meet nature and the own body from a new perspective - only by stepping into closer contact with earth on horny skin alike shoe soles.
On 29 September 2012, the legendary mountain race 'Klausenrennen' will be revived again in the Swiss Alps. The Klausenrennen premiered in 1922, followed by ten races until 1934.
In 2012, the route goes from Glarus, over the Klausenpass, to Altdorf. This year's race is the 'Prolog' of the official International Klausen Race which starts on 27 September 2013 in Linthal where oldtimer drivers and - this is new at the 2012 and 2013 Klausenrennen, racers with cars equipped with CO2 neutral motors will arrive (or not, especially the ones with the old cars until construction date 1971) on 29 September 2013 at the Klausenpasshöhe.
fig.: Rudolf Caracciola in his race car during the legendary mountain race Klausenrennen. Photo:

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