A belt from Salzburg with the name 'Le Peitsch'
'Le Peitsch' is the name of the belt from the debut collection of the label 'Sunshine' by the Salzburg (Austria) based designer and owner of the hotel 'Villa Carlton' Anna Sunshine Sigl. The name of the belt remembers a combination of French and German - 'le' from French for 'the' and 'Peitsch' from German which means 'whip'. Even the name of the handmade velvet slippers from the 'Prep'-edition can be read with a wink and contains two meanings - 'Le Huaf' sounds like an Austrian dialect for 'The Hoof'; the word is also used (under friends) instead of 'foot' or 'footwear'.
"The reason why LE HUAF came to life was that I wanted to develop a comfortable yet stylish shoe for my hotel’s employees," explains Anna Sunshine Sigl on sunshine-collection.com the start of the label Sunshine in 2011.
On the Sunshine pieces, the 'Bocky'-logo (a billy goat) of the hotel 'Villa Carlton' is incorporated into an emblem with crown and the 'S' of the label's name 'Sunshine'.
fig.: 'Sunshine' founder and designer Anna Sunshine Sigl wears the belt 'Le Peitsch' and the slippers 'Le Huaf' from the 'Prep'-edition; seen in March 2012. Photos: (C) LOA-Design Studio.

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