Top Content on Fashionoffice
Last 7 days, generated on 22 December 2013 at 16.30 by FeedBurner, AddThis, Google Analytics, Blogger and additional traffic data by Adsense, Quantcast and Pinterest.
Today, the Google FeedBurner statistics for the last 7 days from 15 - 21 December 2013 calculated 949 views of 44 items,
7,079 clicks back to the site on 211 items.
On top of the FeedBurner/Fashionoffice popularity ranking (views/clicks):
- #Music 'The Heat' by Jungle, part of 'Spotlight on 2014' Spotify's hottest acts next year 48/431
- 'The Year in #Music 2013' Pitchfork's R… 29/399
- Unilever's Axe 'Susan Glenn' campaign, … 35/364
- Video - sound and look of Alfa Romeo 4C… 29/370
- Trendletter by #Fashionoffice Dec 2013 … 30/324
Fashionoffice's short messages from the temporarily published Fashion Feeds items can be found at the magazine's permanent (chronological) archive on
AddThis generates following (shares/clicks) data for Trending Content for past week 14 - 20 December 2013:, Google Analytics, Adsense, Pinterest, Quantcast
Reports generated on today (15 - 22 December 2013; articles on and pageviews counted by Google Analytics (generated today for last week 15 - 21 December 2013, webpages on the main domains of Fashionoffice,,, Adsense counted
1,680 ad requests and 6 clicks (15 - 21 December 2013).
The pins on the magazine's world map page on Pinterest appeared more than 14.640 times (15 - 21 Dec, Pinterest Analytics) in search results, boards, etc. and reached - from this single page - over 6.570 people who saw pins by Fashionoffice.
Around 980 people visited Fashionoffice's own domains between 15 and 21 December 2013. The image shows the Quantcast statistics for 'people' and 'top countries'.

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