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Fashionoffice content in September 2015
Generated on 1 October 2015 for last month.
Audience (Fashionoffice's own domains): 25% US, 10,4% UK, 7,4% DE...
Statistics generated via LogFiles,, Google Analytics, AddThis, FeedBurner and additional traffic data (geography) by Quantcast.
Ranking of the following three tables (LogFiles, Blogger, Google Analytics) after the most measured pageviews of articles. (Explanation: The first table shows the overall best performing articles with the most pageviews; they were measured directly from the server LogFiles. The three articles via on gained the second best performing position. The third table concerns the results generated via Google Analytics which shows the smallest amount of pageviews.)
Most viewed
Fashionoffice articles - Blogger, Blogspot
(past month; ranking after pageviews generated via |
Writings on the Wall Series 'My impressions of Vienna, Austria over summer 2015'
by Fashionoffice's Karin Sawetz. "My impressions of Vienna and Austria are not the best. ..." |
Prologue - Autumn Storm over Vienna New series
by Fashionoffice's Karin Sawetz. "It's not new that I'm not the biggest fan of Vienna or Austria. The ones who follow my..." |
'Storm at the power front', series 'Autumn Storm over Vienna' by Fashionoffice's Karin Sawetz. "Currently it's so windy in Vienna that I have to pull over my jacket's hood..." |
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