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  • Vienna Insights: 'Kleines Haus der Kunst' opens with the Galerie König exhibition 'One Decade Of Female Sculptors' (8 October - 5 December 2021)The KHK - Kleines Haus der Kunst was founded by Martin Ho who runs several trendy gastronomy locations - bars, restaurants, clubs - in Vienna. The restaurant '404 - Don't Ask Why' was recently opened at the KHK. The curating gallery behind the artist selection is the internationally renowned in Berlin headquartered Galerie König. The director of the Viennese dependence of the gallery at the KHK is art specialist Katharina Abpurg (worked for Sotheby's, Vienna Contemporary, Spark Art Fair,..). Abpurg opens the new art location with the presentation of 30 sculptures by female artists from all over the world who have one in common: New perspectives on our world such as Amalia Pica who explores problems of communication...

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  • version of Ginger-Cinnamon-Cardamom Cookies with Arancini for the autumn comfort zone at the office or at home In the last weeks with days becoming shorter, has turned its rooms with harmonious interior scents and regional autumn flower decorations into a fitting comfort zone for the new season. Highlights of the cosy easiness are now afternoon coffees with spicy cookies instead of fresh-fruity summer desserts. One of the latest sweets was self-made by after inspirations from found online published recipes. Experimenting with ingredients is not always a choice as simply not all ingredients are available at the kitchen and the taste (less sugar than normally recommended) requires additional creativity. This happened also during the making of the ginger cookies. They taste spicy and cinnamon-sweet...

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