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KIMSOOJA September 30 – December 17, 2006 Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthallb

Kimsooja is always present in her video works, leading us into the works and into her art. At Magasin 3 she has parked a truck from 1938 with the back piled with ‘bottari’ – cloth bundles used for storing personal belongings. A similar truck appears in the video work Cities on the Move – 2727 Kilometers Bottari Truck, 1997: sitting on the pile of bundles she travels to all the places in Korea where she has lived and which hold memories for her. more culture >>>

Fig. left: Work title: Cities on the Move – 2727 Kilometers Bottari Truck, 1997 (video still) single channel video, silent, 7.30 mins. loop
Fig. right: Work title: Bottari Truck, 2005 (installation view at Magasin 3)
truck (Tempo, 1938), clothes, Korean bedcovers, elastic cord. Photo: Martin Runeborg. Courtesy: Collection Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall

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