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Matt Cheney Action Art 2008

Matt Cheney combines action, motion and movement of his body:

"By integrating sports that I love however, expressing myself becomes something uniquely different. I often do not know what the final results will be." Matt Cheney

On occasion of the Action Art Performance of 10th April 2008 (Video> Action Art Waterville) Boston based artist Matt Cheney answered some questions about his art work:

Q: How many paintings have you produced during the performance on 10th April?

Matt: "On April 10th I produced one painting. A location on the mountain had to be determined. A snowcat was used to bring the structure to the onsite location. At that point the structure was assembled ( 8’ x 12’). Due to the size and location site, time only allotted for one piece."

Q: You are snowboarding, skateboarding, skydiving; which of these sports are your most productive?

Matt: "So far most works have been produced while skateboarding. Skydiving is still in a study process, snowboarding is a bigger operation due to weather, conditions, permitting and getting large amounts of supplies up a mountain."

Q: How do the different sports influence your art work?

Matt: "Due to the performance nature of my work; all my art captures a moment in time. Each sport requires that I find a unique creative line. Be it snowboarding, skydiving or skateboarding all express my two passions visual art as well as performance art."

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Matt Cheney studied Fine Arts at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University, Boston Ma. He attended an International Mountain Climbing School, North Conway New Hampshire; is educated in The Art of Caricature and Figure Drawing at the Art Institute of Boston, ... Since 1998 Matt Cheney exhibits his art work in galleries and museums.

Matt Cheney's Activities: Skydive license #C-34547, snowboarding, hiking, arts, gallery hopping, cooking, and traveling.

Check out the artist's statement

Matt Cheney - Action Art while snowboarding, skydiving - the artist about his work, action movies 2008


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