Just When I Think I've Understood... / Appena ho capito
d'aver capito
29 January – 2 May 2006
Palazzo Santa Margherita& Palazzina dei Giardini, Modena
Anneè Olofsson, “The conversations”, 2005
Anneè Olofsson demonstrates a highly self-affectionate
self, which tends to shut itself off indoors surrounded by the most
familiar and reassuring aspects, a nest in which to curl up and literally
hide away. The artist works with wallpaper as an obsessive/decorative
element, just as the objects we choose to place in our own homes can
become full-blown obsessions: the more we make our house just the way
we want it, the more it becomes – initially – a refuge and
then a prison.
The exhibition
presents the works of fifteen international artists about questions
of the construction of identity. next>>>