18 October 2023
Lower Austria Insights: Exploring fine arts and crafts at the Open Studio Days (Tage der offenen Ateliers) such as nature illustrations and papeterie art by biologist Brigitte Baldrian
This week, on Friday the 20th and Saturday the 21st October, the annual 'Tage der offenen Ateliers' (Open Studio Days) will take place throughout Austria's largest federal state, Lower Austria. With around 1000 artists from crafts and fine arts, it's an exceptional event in Europe, considered the largest of its kind in Europe.
During these days, approximately 1000 artists open their studios and workshops to the public, allowing art enthusiasts to experience art up close and engage in personal conversations with the artists. This event is a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in a wide range of creative expressions, including painting, sculpture, photography, film, jewelry design, and more. The Open Studio Days event encourages people to step out of their daily routines and explore diverse artistic worlds, offering various creative activities, readings, musical performances, and the chance to purchase or even create artworks. The event aims to bring art and culture closer to the public, providing a lasting and enriching experience.
For the planning of the visits, the organizers provide the culture database on
https://www.kulturvernetzung.at/de/orte-und-menschen/#tdoa, where the search for disciplines such as textiles, jewelry, fine arts, ceramics,... can be filtered using the drop-down menu. The geographical search can be refined to the regions of Lower Austria by using the map.
Image: The picture shows illustrator and papeterie artist Brigitte Baldrian, who invites to her atelier in Moorbad Harbach in the Waldviertel region of Lower Austria. Brigitte Baldrian is originally a biologist and gardener who shares her knowledge of nature through picture books and illustrated games, such as the educational card game Black Raven (Schwarzer Rabe; fast checked today at https://www.brigittebaldrian.com/produkt/kartenspiel-schwarzer-rabe/). The illustrations of flora and fauna are applied to a wide variety of paper goods. Photo: © Walter Skokanitsch.