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Top Content by Fashionoffice, last 7 days

Generated on 9 November 2018. Statistics by Twitter, Feedburner, AddThis, Google Analytics.

Audience (main domains,; statistics via Google Analytics 'Location', 'Users'): Austria 20.24%; United States 16.39%; Germany 8.92%; France 7.23%; Canada 6.02%; United Kingdom 4.10%; India 4.10%; Norway 3.61%; Australia 1.69%; Switzerland 1.69%;...

Top performing on 'Fashion Tweets' (Twitter)
Sex, mountains, love and fashion in Austria. First chapter: Sex and mountains at a 19th century satirical song dedicated to the tour of an alpinist from South Tyrol to...

Top performing Fashionoffice article (views/clicks) on FashionFeeds (Feedburner)
'Mariazeller Advent 2018' opens with Christmas concert of the Vienna Boys' Choir (Wiener Sängerknaben) Basilika Mariazell, an important place of pilgrimage in Europe...

Top article on Fashionoffice domains (visits measured via AddThis)

Sex, mountains, love and fashion in Austria. First chapter: Sex and mountains at a 19th century satirical song dedicated to the tour of an alpinist from South Tyrol to...

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(past 7 days; ranking after pageviews measured by Google Analytics)

Art Nouveau designs by Koloman Moser for 'Magic Kiss' jewelry by Dorotheum and Austrian Mint 'Erweckung' (Awakening) from 1896 and 'Kugeltanz' (Ball Dance)...

Sex, mountains, love and fashion in Austria. First chapter: Sex and mountains at a 19th century satirical song dedicated to the tour of an alpinist from South Tyrol to...

Sex, mountains, love and fashion in Austria. Second chapter: The picture of the mountaineer is from the cover of a book about the first ascent to Grossvenediger...

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